cat_name; }?>

Promo Juli – Projector EB-2000 Series Diskon 5%

0, 'Sublimasi Printer' => 0, 'Printer Sublimasi' => 0, 'Direct To Garment Printer' => 0, 'Direct To Fabric' => 0, 'Heat Press Machine' => 0, 'Cutting Machine' => 0, 'Technical Printer' => 0, 'Eco-Solvent Printer' => 0, 'Graphic Printer' => 0, 'Flag Printer' => 0, 'Label Printer' => 0, 'Interactive Flat Panel' => 0, 'LED All In One' => 0, 'Panel Presentation Display' => 0, 'Conference Camera' => 0, 'Video Conferencing' => 0, 'Sonte' => 0, 'Digital Signage' => 0, 'Video Wall' => 0, 'Videotron' => 0, 'Smart IP Camera' => 0, 'Projector' => 0, 'Transparent LED' => 0);foreach($listP as $x=>$x_value) { $v = preg_match_all("/".$x."/i", $str); $listP[$x] = $v; }arsort($listP);foreach($listP as $x=>$x_value) { if(max($listP) == 0){ $focus = array_rand($listP, 3); break; } elseif($x_value < max($listP)){ break; } elseif($x_value == max($listP)){ if($x == 'Printer Sublimasi' || $x == 'Sublimasi Printer'){ $x = "sublimation printer"; } array_push($focus, $x); } }return $focus[0]; }function childS($idC, $is, $prodCat){ $q = array( 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_parent' => $idC, 'orderby' => 'rand', 'posts_per_page' => -1 );$res = '
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'. $prodCat .'
'. strict(get_the_title()) .'
'; $destroy += 1; }} $res .= '
'; return $res; }function prodCat($defCat){ $prod = array('CNI' => array('sublimation-printer', 'sublimasi-printer', 'printer-sublimasi', 'direct-to-garment', 'direct-to-fabric', 'heat-press-machine', 'cutting-machine', 'technical-printer', 'eco-solvent-printer', 'graphic-printer', 'flag-printer', 'label-printer'), 'Corporate' => array('interactive-flat-panel', 'led-all-in-one', 'panel-presentation-display', 'conference-camera', 'video-conferencing', 'sonte', 'digital-signage', 'video-wall', 'videotron', 'smart-ip-camera', 'projector', 'transparent-led'));foreach($prod as $x => $x_cat){ if(in_array($defCat, $x_cat)){ return $x; } } } ?>
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ID, false, '', $title_size ); ?>
<? echo strict(get_post_meta( get_post_thumbnail_id(), '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true ));?>

Dengan teknologi 3LCD menghasilkan gambar berkualitas tinggi dengan warna yang lebih hidup dan terang, bahkan disiang hari. Kegiatan meeting, konferensi dan pembelajaran kini jadi lebih mudah menggunakan Epson Interactive Projector EB-2000 Series. Dapatkan harga spesial dengan discount 5%, syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.

Informasi Hubungi:
WhatsApp: 081211112948

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$whatIs );$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) {while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) { $the_query->the_post();$pat = '/\[(|\/)[\w\_\&\#\;\s\.\-\:\=\,\%\|]+\]/i'; $cnt = apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() ); $simple = preg_replace($pat, "", $cnt); echo childS(get_the_ID(), htmlspecialchars(urlencode($simple)), prodCat($whatIs)); } wp_reset_postdata();} else { $string .= 'no posts found'; } ?>
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Dengan teknologi 3LCD menghasilkan gambar berkualitas tinggi dengan warna yang lebih hidup dan terang, bahkan disiang hari. Kegiatan meeting, konferensi dan pembelajaran kini jadi lebih mudah menggunakan Epson Interactive Projector EB-2000 Series. Dapatkan harga spesial dengan discount 5%, syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.

Informasi Hubungi:
WhatsApp: 081211112948

By |2022-07-14T13:44:32+07:00July 15th, 2021|Promo|

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About the Author:

Jual printer garmen, interactive projector, digital signage, video wall, interactive flat panel, cctv dan masih banyak lagi.