cat_name; }?>

Jual Printer Second Epson SC-F9330

0, 'Sublimasi Printer' => 0, 'Printer Sublimasi' => 0, 'Direct To Garment Printer' => 0, 'Direct To Fabric' => 0, 'Heat Press Machine' => 0, 'Cutting Machine' => 0, 'Technical Printer' => 0, 'Eco-Solvent Printer' => 0, 'Graphic Printer' => 0, 'Flag Printer' => 0, 'Label Printer' => 0, 'Interactive Flat Panel' => 0, 'LED All In One' => 0, 'Panel Presentation Display' => 0, 'Conference Camera' => 0, 'Video Conferencing' => 0, 'Sonte' => 0, 'Digital Signage' => 0, 'Video Wall' => 0, 'Videotron' => 0, 'Smart IP Camera' => 0, 'Projector' => 0, 'Transparent LED' => 0);foreach($listP as $x=>$x_value) { $v = preg_match_all("/".$x."/i", $str); $listP[$x] = $v; }arsort($listP);foreach($listP as $x=>$x_value) { if(max($listP) == 0){ $focus = array_rand($listP, 3); break; } elseif($x_value < max($listP)){ break; } elseif($x_value == max($listP)){ if($x == 'Printer Sublimasi' || $x == 'Sublimasi Printer'){ $x = "sublimation printer"; } array_push($focus, $x); } }return $focus[0]; }function childS($idC, $is, $prodCat){ $q = array( 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_parent' => $idC, 'orderby' => 'rand', 'posts_per_page' => -1 );$res = '
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'. strict(get_post_meta( get_post_thumbnail_id(), '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true )) .'
'. $prodCat .'
'. strict(get_the_title()) .'
'; $destroy += 1; }} $res .= '
'; return $res; }function prodCat($defCat){ $prod = array('CNI' => array('sublimation-printer', 'sublimasi-printer', 'printer-sublimasi', 'direct-to-garment', 'direct-to-fabric', 'heat-press-machine', 'cutting-machine', 'technical-printer', 'eco-solvent-printer', 'graphic-printer', 'flag-printer', 'label-printer'), 'Corporate' => array('interactive-flat-panel', 'led-all-in-one', 'panel-presentation-display', 'conference-camera', 'video-conferencing', 'sonte', 'digital-signage', 'video-wall', 'videotron', 'smart-ip-camera', 'projector', 'transparent-led'));foreach($prod as $x => $x_cat){ if(in_array($defCat, $x_cat)){ return $x; } } } ?>
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ID, false, '', $title_size ); ?>
<? echo strict(get_post_meta( get_post_thumbnail_id(), '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true ));?>

Jual Printer Epson SureColor SC-F9330 (Second)

Epson SureColor SC-F9330 merupakan perinter sublimasi dari Epson yang masih baru dikeluarkan ditahun 2019, mesin printer ini memiliki ukuran 64 inci dan siap digunakan untuk produksi. Ready 1 unit siap produksi!


Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi:
WhatsApp: 081211112948

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$whatIs );$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) {while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) { $the_query->the_post();$pat = '/\[(|\/)[\w\_\&\#\;\s\.\-\:\=\,\%\|]+\]/i'; $cnt = apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() ); $simple = preg_replace($pat, "", $cnt); echo childS(get_the_ID(), htmlspecialchars(urlencode($simple)), prodCat($whatIs)); } wp_reset_postdata();} else { $string .= 'no posts found'; } ?>
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Jual Printer Epson SureColor SC-F9330 (Second)

Epson SureColor SC-F9330 merupakan perinter sublimasi dari Epson yang masih baru dikeluarkan ditahun 2019, mesin printer ini memiliki ukuran 64 inci dan siap digunakan untuk produksi. Ready 1 unit siap produksi!


Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi:
WhatsApp: 081211112948

By |2022-07-14T14:09:11+07:00April 2nd, 2020|Promo|

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About the Author:

Jual printer garmen, interactive projector, digital signage, video wall, interactive flat panel, cctv dan masih banyak lagi.